Experiment #I «Pigeons»
“Experiment #I «Pigeons»” is the first part of a larger series of experiments that explore the idea of care devoted to -commonly- unwanted species. In this case, the artwork, that sits on a virtual space hosted in Mozilla Hubs, holds a heterogeneous visual collection of intra-actions with pigeons. The central piece of the project consists of a video-collage that recorded a sympoietic performance between human-computer-pigeons, where the latter triggered self-enjoyable sounds by eating food or drinking water.
Mozilla Hubs is an online virtual space that allows immersive VR experiences amongst others.
Hardcore Care is an artwork that can be experienced both in VR and regular desktop mode although Headphones are recommended for enjoying its 360 sound.
If you are not acquainted with the platform, navigation can be a bit tricky at first. Once you enter the website, click Join Room.
To navigate the space, you can press →←↓↑ in your keyboard and rotate the view by clicking the left button of your mouse.
Some media might take a while to load.
Special Thanks to the SomaRumor's tutors Mene, Alma and Flor; and to the Royal College of Art's technicians John Wild, Thomas Deacon and Kam Raoofi for helping to develop this project.